“Trust in the Lord with All Your Heart,” is the theme of the upcoming Worcester Catholic Women’s Conference, on Oct. 5. Speakers include Fr. Carlos Martins, Pamela Acker and Ester Munt-Brooks.
On Saturday, Sept. 21, medical students at UMass Chan Medical School will volunteer their time at a free training program on lifesaving techniques using hands-only CPR and AEDs at St. Anne’s
The annual appeal raised $4,881,164 this year, 98 percent of its $5 million goal, the highest amount since the 2018 total of $5,076,252, Michael P. Gillespie, director of the diocesan Office of Stewardship and Development, reported Tuesday.
Mr. Murphy, “Our Lady’s driver,” gave a presentation that included a video about the Blessed Mother’s apparitions at Fatima, Portugal, in 1917, and applied her messages to people today.
From ministering in Alaska and with the fur traders in the Pacific Northwest to southern Africa, from Japan to Latin America and the Amazon rain forest, and straight up through the heart of Europe, we saw global history unfold around us. We did more than survive, we thrived.
“Our liturgy this afternoon is the first in a series of events celebrating the arrival of the Sisters of Notre Dame in the Archdiocese of Boston 175 years ago, in 1849, and their subsequent journey ‘west’ here to Worcester,” Sister Patricia O’Brien, a member of the United States East-West Province’s leadership team, said in a welcome.
Robert F. Foley met with returning players after school on Tuesday to inform them that he had decided to retire after coaching high school basketball for 61 years, including the last 44 at St. John’s High School in Shrewsbury.