Sonja Corbitt, author of best selling book, Unleashed, and creator of podcast/radio show, Bible Study Evangelista, will speak at the Worcester Catholic Women’s Conference Oct. 1. The title of her talk is, “Just Rest: Thoughts, Emotions, Body, and Soul.”
Ms. Corbitt’s popular radio show is featured throughout the country and the Discerning Hearts website, and is available on the Catholic app, Laudate. She is also a part of CatholicTV with her show, Evangelista Bible Study. She also writes for Magnificat magazine, Jeff Cavins’ The Great Adventure Bible Study blog, and speaks around the world. Ms. Corbitt founded a non-profit as an evangelical when her own deep need for more of God began to connect with her non-Catholic brothers and sisters, and she started receiving invitations to speak around the country. She was privileged for many years to witness God speaking and moving in people’s lives. Later, her hunger for righteousness having led her to the Church as both the “pillar and foundation of truth” and the desire of her heart, she was thrilled to discover how hungry Catholics were for the Word of God! She dove into writing multi-media Bible study resources for Catholics like those she worked on prior to her full communion with the Church.Because Ms. Corbitt has a fiercely loyal, grateful love for the Catholic Church, it is her heart’s cry to participate in theNew Evangelismby drawing people more deeply into the Church through the Scriptures.
The 2022 Worcester Catholic Women’s Conference will take place Oct. 1 at St. Joseph School, 47 Whitcomb St., Webster. The theme of this year’s conference is, “Embrace the Cross.” Tickets are $45 and student tickets (16-22) are $25. Seating is limited.
Other speakers at the conference include Laura Phelps, Constance Hull, and Bryan Mercier.
http://www.wcwconference.comFor more information and to order tickets visit