By Christina Galeone
CFP Correspondent
Last year, as crisp autumn breezes chilled the New England air, warmth seemed to radiate from the streets of Uxbridge on a September morning. It came from about 40 people who wanted to do something to help eradicate poverty in their area. Together, they participated in the 2018 St. Mary Friends of the Poor Walk/Run to benefit the Uxbridge parish’s Society of St. Vincent de Paul.
With participation growing each year since the ministry began in 2002, members hope that the trend will continue. This year’s walk is to be held on September 28, beginning at 9:30 a.m., with registration at 9 a.m., at St. Mary’s Church, 77 Mendon Street. The 3.5-mile walk/run will start and finish at the church.
The walk is part of a nationwide fundraising event coordinated by the National Council of the United States Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Last year, through the Friends of the Poor Walk/Run, 25,000 walkers and runners raised more than $3.4 million for St. Vincent de Paul Conferences and Councils throughout the country.
St. Mary’s St. Vincent de Paul aims to raise $5,000 through this year’s walk. The money generally provides about 30 percent of the funds the Society requires to serve people in need in its region.
Inspired by St. Vincent de Paul founder Blessed Frederic Ozanam and the international society’s patron, Saint Vincent de Paul, the church ministry’s 10 full members and 15 associate members serve those who are in need in a personal way that’s rooted in their Christian beliefs. The ministry helps people with emergency needs such as housing, utilities, clothing, medicine and food. It also organizes healing Masses, visits those who are homebound and runs a Christmas giving tree drive, among other things.
Donna Featherstone, an associate member who’s co-coordinating the walk/run with fellow associate member Sheryl Ethier, has been a part of the ministry for about 5 years. Her husband, Dennis, has been a part of it for about 30 years and serves as its current president. She’s seen how the Holy Spirit guides and empowers the ministry.
“St. Vincent de Paul’s gift for integrating service with a profound life of prayer is one of his greatest attractions to contemporary Christians,” Mrs. Featherstone said. “Our meetings always begin with a time of prayer and reflection led by our deacon (Deacon John Dugan).”
Mrs. Featherstone has also seen how the ministry has made a difference in the lives of young families, the elderly, the homeless and others in need. She was particularly moved by the impact the ministry had on a homeless man. After the members were able to secure public housing for him, the man was so grateful that he joined the parish. She said St. Mary’s is like his family.
The ministry, which Mrs. Featherstone said does everything it can to help those who seek its assistance, has had a positive impact on the lives of its members as well.
“I think it’s made me more compassionate to what is happening in the world and to people’s needs,” Mrs. Featherstone said. “We’re all growing in our own spiritual life.”
She said they invite members of their families, friends, parishioners and Our Lady of the Valley Elementary School families to join them for walk/run and that donations can be made by going to the website.