The state deputy of the Knights of Columbus, Paul A. Flanagan, has informed Massachusetts Knights that “at this time we are cancelling all State run functions until further notice, with the exception of the State Convention
which has not been cancelled as of yet.” The convention is scheduled for May.
There will be no Lantern Award Dinner and all the upcoming District Deputy Friendship Dinners, starting with the State Deputy's Friendship Dinner, are cancelled. In addition all Council and District meetings, planned events like the Cribbage Tournament, Communion Breakfast and Council Fundraisers are cancelled until further notice, State Deputy Flanagan said in a letter.
The state leadership is following the lead of Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson, who suggested that councils cancel all personal contact meetings; cancel all planned events where people would gather and cancel all business travel, until further notice.
“This is a moment to deepen our commitment to the very principles which define us: charity, unity and fraternity. There will likely be many opportunities in coming weeks to live out these principles in service to our brother Knights, our families and our communities. May this time of difficulty also be a moment when we as Knights step into the breach and show ourselves to be disciples of Jesus Christ and men at the service of others,” Supreme Knight Anderson wrote.