‘Give me a person of prayer,
and such a one will be capable of
accomplishing anything.'
– St. Vincent de Paul
More than 100 Vincentians gathered to reflect and recommit themselves to faithfulness as they carry out their mission of serving their brothers and sisters in need.
According to Susan Treveloni, president of the Worcester Diocesan Council of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, the annual Commitment Ceremony was celebrated at Our Lady of Hope Parish in Grafton on Sept. 17.
“We were deeply honored and privileged to have our Mass celebrated by his excellency, Bishop McManus, Fathers Anthony J. Mpagi, William E. Champlin, and Michael A. DiGeronimo, assisted by Deacon Timothy G. Cross,” Mrs. Treveloni said.
Father Mpagi delivered a homily about forgiveness based on the Gospel reading of Matthew 18:21-35.
The group’s spiritual adviser, Father Champlin, was the guest speaker at a reception following Mass.
“He delivered a moving talk about the poor and how Vincentians are there to answer the call. He spoke about how the needs of individuals and families have become much more complex in today’s world, but the Society continues to evolve and strives to find ways to alleviate the burdens of the underserved,” Mrs. Treveloni said.
Throughout his pastoral ministry, Father Champlin has worked with several St. Vincent de Paul conferences, she noted. He has served as spiritual adviser on the diocesan council for more than 20 years.
“He embraces the Society’s work and is extremely knowledgeable about the Society. We are truly blessed to have Father Champlin to guide us on our faith journey,” Mrs. Treveloni said.
The gathering of Vincentians created “an inspirational atmosphere that brought us all closer together in the love of Christ. We anticipate a challenging year, but by the grace of God and support of one another, we are prepared to continue the work of St. Vincent de Paul and Blessed Frederic Ozanam,” Mrs. Treveloni said.