Did you ever imagine that when you made your confirmation that you would continue to learn about your faith for years and years? At the time you probably thought that you knew everything you needed to know about the Catholic Church, about Jesus Christ, about God the Father, the Holy Spirit, Mary the Mother of God, and we could go on. Can you answer completely, and most importantly, joyfully, when someone asks you about your faith? Do you know it all yet? Most likely the answer is “no.” Here is a challenge: Learn something new about your faith this week. Here is a second challenge: Share what you have learned. One of our goals at The Catholic Free Press is to evangelize the evangelizers. The very best way to do that is one-to-one. So we have a relationship with you and expect that you will share the faith you love with others. We are excited about a new training session being offered in the Diocese by John and Therese Boucher, natives to the Worcester Diocese - “Sent to Share God’s Mercy & Message.” Mr. Boucher is a former director of evangelization for the Diocese of Trenton, N.J. Mr. and Mrs. Boucher each hold a master's degree in religious education. The Bouchers have taught catechists, adult formation and evangelization to ministry teams and have written several books, including: “Evangelizing Unchurched Children, Praying for Our Adult Sons and Daughters,” “Sharing the Faith that You Love: Four Simple Ways to be Part of the New Evangelization” and most recently, “Mending Broken Relationships, Building Strong Ones: Eight Ways to Love as Jesus Loves Us.” Their course is sponsored by the Office of the Diaconate but it is open to all involved in parish ministry. The fee to register is $50. The deadline is Dec. 15 and registration is through the diocesan Office of the Diaconate, 508-929-4335, or kbarrett@worcesterdiocese.org. The course has a book list and we at The Catholic Free Press are giving away one of the books – “Sharing the Faith that You Love: Four Simple Ways to be Part of the New Evangelization” – once a week for the next 10 weeks. If you would like to win a copy of “Sharing the Faith the You Love,” email your name, address and phone number to: editor@catholicfreepress.org, with the subject line: “Sharing the Faith.” Along with that, please, briefly tell us how you share your faith and how reading The Catholic Free Press equips you to do that. (We will use these comments in future promotions of the newspaper.) You may also call the newspaper office at 508-757-6387 and ask to have your name and comments put in the drawing. And if you tell us that you have signed up for the Bouchers’ course, we will enter your name twice. God willing, we can all continue to share God’s mercy and message.