“The joy of the Gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus.” Those recent words of Pope Francis were never more true than at the Easter encounter of St. Mary Magdalene with Jesus in the garden by the empty tomb. Mary Magdalene had set out for the tomb in the pre-dawn darkness laden with grief in her heart and spices to anoint Christ’s dead body. It seemed that all her hopes and dreams had died with Jesus on Good Friday. It also seemed that darkness, death and evil had had their day and definitively triumphed. But on the third day, when all seemed lost, Jesus Christ rose from the dead. The ultimate triumph of God’s love, mercy and forgiveness brought joy to Mary Magdalene and to all of Jesus’ disciples. Today, even amidst our joys and hopes, darkness can cast its shadow over our lives. It might be uncertainties about our health, job security or retirement plans. We, too, may have been misunderstood, falsely accused or unjustly abandoned. Perhaps our own sins and mistakes have dimmed our hopes and dreams or we are grieving the loss of a loved one. This Easter, as on the first Easter, our encounter with the risen Christ can dispel the darkness, overcome our fears and fill our hearts with joy. Christ is risen and He has conquered sin and death for us! After her encounter with the risen Lord, Mary Magdalene ran to tell St. Peter the joyful news. Pope Francis reminds us that our joy in Christ deepens when we spread the Good News to others. I pray that the celebration of Easter may fill your heart with joy. May that joy be deepened by your bringing the Good News to those you encounter through your reflection of the love, mercy and compassion of the Risen Lord.
With every prayerful best wish, I remain
Sincerely yours in Christ, Most Reverend Robert J. McManus Bishop of Worcester