On the next two weekends the Pro-Life Committee of Our Lady of Czestochowa Parish will conduct a voter registration drive, according to Sandra Kucharski, chairwoman. She said voter registration forms will be available with the parish bulletins. Those who are 18 years old or older and American citizens may fill out the information and either mail the forms or bring them to their town or city hall by Aug. 17. Anyone who meets the citizenship and age requirements may call or go to their town or city halls and request a voter registration form, fill it out and submit it by Aug. 17 to be eligible to vote in the November election. On the ballot in November will be the following: Election of the President and Vice President of the United States, U.S. senators and representatives and elections for state representatives and senators. Also on the ballot are two questions which the Massachusetts Family Institute say are “of particular interest to Christian voters.” They are the so called - “death with dignity” referendum that would allow doctors to prescribe lethal drugs to patients who want to commit suicide, and a “medical marijuana” referendum which would legalize marijuana shops to sell marijuana to patients who get a recommendation from a doctor.