Pat Castle will speak at the 21st anniversary Worcester Diocesan Catholic Men’s Conference, scheduled for Saturday, April 2, at Assumption University. The former Air Force Academy chemistry professor will give a talk titled, “How to be a Pro-Life Champion!”
“Pat Castle is a speaker all the participants will really look forward to hearing, especially since he is so athletic and makes the pro-life mission so central to his life,” said Angelo Guadagno, co-chairman of the event.
Mr. Castle says, “to be champions, we must be trained and equipped to win. Regarding the reality of abortion, we need to be equipped by the numbers and then deliver information with experiences and strategies on how to be a pro-life champion at home, church, school, work, neighborhood, and the abortion facility.” To reach abortion-determined mothers going into an abortion facility, Mr. Castle has developed a winning strategy for what we should say, based on his research.
He is the founder of LIFE Runners, the largest pro-life team in the world with more than 16,000 teammates in 40 nations and 2,569 cities. He grew up in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and graduated from the Air Force Academy. He earned a doctorate in nano-analytical chemistry from the University of Illinois and is a board member at the Institute for Theological Encounter with Science and Technology. He received the 2020 Springtime Foundation Christian Unity Award and was part of the movie, “Unplanned.” Mr. Castle has directed youth retreats, Engaged Encounter, and RCIA.
While in the Air Force, he did 10 military assignments, including being the weapons of mass destruction defense officer at the base closest to Osama bin Laden on 9-11. He has briefed generals and members of Congress. While an Air Force Academy chemistry professor, he developed the ethics curriculum and coached the marathon team. He has raced in 22 marathons.
Other conference speakers include Best Version Media CEO and former professional football player, Kevin O’Brien, (“The Courageous Father”); internationally famous skiing expert, Dan Egan (“Running Towards God’s Purpose: The Power of Manifesting Outcome”); former physician, now Florida associate pastor, Father Anthony Hamaty (“Where are You? How and Why we Hide from God’s Love and Mercy,” a talk on the sacrament of penance); and parish mission speaker, Tim Francis (“Science Tests Faith”).
Singers and composers, Ryan and Elizabeth Tremblay, will lead the music throughout the day.
The conference’s speaking program will take place in Assumption’s Plourde Center. The Diocese has been informed that Assumption University will require attendees to either have been vaccinated or have a negative PCR test, a requirement for all campus visitors.
Registration and dozens of exhibitions will be in the Laska Gym. Confessions will be heard at the conference.
“We have some wonderful speakers for our twenty-first conference,” said Mr. Guadagno. “There is something for everyone and I know that our participants will not be disappointed, especially given the variety of topics.”
Many diocesan and religious priests will participate again this year by hearing confessions at mid-day. The sacrament of reconciliation has become a conference staple in its first 20 years. Since so many participants go to confession the committee hopes that more priests than ever will come.
“We can use as many priests as will come,” said Mr. Guadagno, “since so many of the men, nearly a thousand, go to confession.”
Bishop McManus will be the principal celebrant and homilist for the conference Mass at 4 p.m.
Through March 21 ticket prices for adult men are $45. On March 22 they increase to $60. Ticket prices for students are $30 prior to the conference and at the door. Tickets can be purchased online on the conference website at; by sending a check to Catholic Men’s Conference, 1052 Pleasant St., Worcester, MA 01602; from parish contact persons; by calling Elaine Ford at 774-253-2996 or by emailing Angelo Guadagno at
“We are absolutely delighted to offer another outstanding conference this year. And we anticipate that the participants will love the campus of Assumption University,” Mr. Guadagno added. “Thousands of men have been so loyal to the conference that we want to have an excellent array of speakers for it. The men won’t be disappointed.
“In addition to reaching out to men of all ages a special effort is being made to invite teens and young adults and there is a concerted effort in our parishes and Catholic high schools to attract students to the conference,” he said.