Priests of the diocese celebrating significant anniversaries of their ordination this year are to be recognized at the Chrism Mass at 10:30 a.m. April 12 at St. Paul Cathedral. The Mass will be livestreamed on the diocesan website,
This year Msgr. Richard E. Collette is celebrating his 70th anniversary, having been ordained in 1952; Father Ralph A. DiOrio is celebrating the 65th anniversary of his 1957 ordination.
Three priests were ordained in 1962 and are celebrating their 60th anniversary: Fathers Richard A. Fortin, Robert A. Grattaroti and Peter H. White.
Father Andre E. Dargis was ordained in 1967 and is celebrating his 55th year as a priest. And Father John E. Horgan, who was ordained in 1972, marks his 50th year.
Five priests are celebrating their 45th anniversary having been ordained in 1977. They are Fathers Paul M. Bomba, Laurence V. Brault, Conrad S. Pecevich, and Thomas M. Tokarz, and Msgr. Thomas J. Sullivan.
Also marking significant anniversaries are Father Patrick J. Hawthorne, 40th anniversary of his ordination in 1982, and Father Angel R. Matos, 25th anniversary of his ordination in 1997.
(See pages 8-11 (check on pages) for biographies and congratulatory greetings.)
All clergy and the public are invited to participate in this diocesan liturgy at which the bishop blesses the Oil of the Sick and the Oil of Catechumens and consecrates the Holy Chrism to be used for the administration of the sacraments throughout the year, and during which all priests will renew their priestly commitment. Holy oils will be distributed to parish representatives following the liturgy.
Following is the schedule for Holy Week celebrations at St. Paul Cathedral at which Bishop McManus will preside, unless noted by an * at the beginning. These liturgies will be livestreamed at the diocesan website,, and shown on cable access channels including WCCA Ch194 in Worcester, unless noted.
Palm Sunday, April 10, *8 a.m. Mass with the blessing of palms, in Spanish; 10 a.m. Mass with the blessing of palms, in English.
Chrism Mass, Tuesday, April 12, 10:30 a.m. (livestream only). The Chrism Mass gathers the diocesan family to celebrate the unity of all persons who have been anointed with Holy Chrism at baptism, confirmation and holy orders.
Holy Thursday, April 14, *9 a.m. Office of Readings; 7:30 p.m. Mass of the Lord’s Supper, bilingual. This Mass marks the beginning of the Easter Sacred Paschal Triduum, commemorating the institution of the Eucharist and the priesthood.
Good Friday, April 15, *9 a.m. Stations of the Cross; 12:30 p.m. outdoor Stations of the Cross in Downtown Worcester led by Bishop McManus (no broadcast). Stations begin at St. John Church and end at the cathedral. Confessions will be available at the cathedral immediately following the Stations; 3 p.m. Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion. This service includes the sung proclamation of the Passion, Veneration of the Cross and distribution of Holy Communion. Mass is not celebrated on Good Friday or on Holy Saturday until the Easter Vigil service, which begins after sundown.
Easter Vigil, April 16, 7:30 p.m. Mass of Christ’s Resurrection begins in darkness with the lighting of the Easter fire, and, from it, the pascal candle and the candles of worshippers.
Easter Sunday, April 17, *8 a.m. Mass, in Spanish; *10 a.m. Mass, in English; noon Mass celebrated by Bishop McManus, in Spanish (no broadcast).