SOUTHBRIDGE – Blessed John Paul II Parish has a successful food pantry that is well supported by parishioners. A recent food drive brought in hundreds of bags of groceries for the pantry. Bill Mason, a food pantry volunteer, reports that Father Peter Joyce estimated they had around 600 bags as of the 10 am Mass, with two more Masses to go. “Just a great outpouring show of faith to help the hungry of our community,” Mr. Mason said.
Webster Summer Comedy
Thirty three youths from the Webster Youth Group put on the summer family comedy play “Help! I’m Trapped in a High School!” on Aug. 10 and 12 at the Immaculate Conception Spiritual Renewal Center in Putnam, Conn. The actors worked hard all summer long and their practicing rewarded the crowds with two fantastic shows. The Webster Youth Group is comprised of youths in grades 3-12 from St Louis Church, Sacred Heart Church and St Joseph Basilica in Webster. ( More photos in Photo Galleries)
Submitted by Mary Ellen Valcour
Easter Flashmob
On Easter Sunday at the 10a.m. Mass, the Youth and Children's Ministries and their adult leaders, at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Linwood
had a flash mob during Father Larry Esposito's homily. Of course it was done with his permission. It was done as a celebration of the Resurrection of Christ. The group danced to a song called "Rise Up: Dance Your Shoes Off." It was choreographed by Emily Brochu who was a senior at Blackstone Valley Technical High School. The youngest participant was 5 and the oldest is a grandmother. We had a total of 29 people involved. We practiced for many hours. People reacted with confusion to wonder to joy. The kids kept the secret well, many people did not know it was coming.
Submitted by Jean Peterson, Youth Minister
Mass for Seniors
Holy Trinity Parish Bolton/Harvard celebrated a Baccalaureate Mass on June 2. Four seniors were given awards in recognition of service to their church and community.
The Lord’s Acre Award was presented to Katie Zayka and Sarah Andrews by Pastor Terence Kilcoyne, Holy Trinity Parish, Bolton/Harvard at a Baccalaureate Mass on June 2.
The Fr Normand Gaumond Award was presented to Erin Molinaro and Gia DeMeo by Pastor Terence Kilcoyne, Holy Trinity Parish, Bolton/Harvard at a Baccalaureate Mass on June 2.
The graduates are: front row: Sarah Andrews, Giovanna DeMeo, Kerry Anne Conlin, Mary Egan. Second row: Erin Byrne, Julia Berger, Jessica Berger, Karen Shaw, Jacob Pelland. Third Row: Erin Molinaro, Kat Malley, Katie Zayka, Caroline Mazzola,
Aly Ware and Pat Ware.