The campaign to stop the legalization of physician-assisted suicide - Ballot Question 2, in November 2012 - ended successfully. But the fight against the practice of physician-assisted suicide is far from over. With that in mind, a group of people who successfully fought the political battle in Worcester County, have regrouped to continue educational efforts to keep the issue in the minds of voters. Representatives from the Diocese of Worcester, parishes, colleges, and Catholic media, have come together to form the Witness for Life Committee (, an independent collaborative affirming the culture of life. The committee presented its first educational forum: “Death with Real Dignity: Love vs. Hardships - Continuing the Discussion” Sept. 28 in the Hagan Campus Center Hall at Assumption College in Worcester. The committee has been meeting since shortly after the narrow victory in November, all too aware that the issue of legalizing physician-assisted suicide is not going away. They expect that it will be back before voters in one form or another. The group decided that telling the truth about physician-assisted suicide is the best way to combat the efforts by supporters to persuade people that allowing doctors to prescribe life-ending drugs to their patients is a good practice. To listen to the talks by Henry C. Luthin is a lawyer in Boston; Dr. Paul A. Carpentier is a family physician in Gardner; or Allison LeDoux , director of the Respect Life Office and the Office of Marriage and Family for the Diocese of Worcester, please link to Emmanuel Radio, a co-sponsor of the event with The Catholic Free Press and the Witness for Life Committee. Once at Emmanuel Radio's site click on Gallery/Audio to reach the talks.