Bishop McManus is to give opening remarks at the third annual food pantry summit at the St. Francis Xavier Center at St. John Church, 44 Temple St., Worcester.
The summit at this center, which has a food pantry and also offers free meals, is from 2 to 4:30 p.m. Feb. 13. The summit is free, by reservation only, for people who work with food pantries. Those wishing to attend are asked to R.S.V.P. to Kevin Kieler, founder of Partners for Feeding the People, which is organizing the summit, by emailing or calling 508-254-1060.
Mr. Kieler and Lisa Cyr, information technology specialist for Partners for Feeding the People, are to give an introduction about the organization’s new website, through which food pantries can communicate with each other about their needs and their extra supplies. The website is
Father John Madden, St. John’s pastor, is to speak about operating a food pantry during a pandemic, which St. John’s did during the coronavirus shut-down and continues to do.
Timothy J. McMahon, executive director of Catholic Charities Worcester County, is to speak about Catholic Charities’ fight against food insecurities in Worcester County.
Worcester County Food Bank staff members are to lead a discussion about new anti-hunger legislation at local, state and federal levels.