“A good pastor, a pastor after God’s heart, is the greatest treasure the good Lord can give a parish,” Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI stated during a general audience at St. Peter’s Square, July 1, 2009.
The Diocese of Worcester can consider itself blessed with 119 active and 46 retired diocesan priests who, committed to serving Christ and his people, devote their lives to the ministry of the Church. Beginning with Jesus Christ entrusting his apostles to this ministry and through this succession for more than 2,000 years, the mission of the Church is alive. It is the ordained priest who, through the sacrament of Holy Orders, acts in persona Christi, or in the person of Christ, to shepherd his flock or lead his parish.
The people of the diocese will have an opportunity to rejoice in this fact at the ninth annual Celebrate Priesthood! – Taste of the Diocese gala. It will be held from 5:30-7:30 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 20, at St. Paul Diocesan Jr./Sr. High School. There will be a variety of cuisines and refreshments, including wine and a microbrew tasting. Support of this fund-raiser will benefit the Priests’ Retirement Fund.
The Priests’ Retirement Fund is different from the annual Partners in Charity appeal and Legacy of Hope capital campaign because this fund directly supports the needs of diocesan priests upon their retirement, especially as health care costs for priests grow, according to the diocesan development office.
Diocesan priests devote their lives in service to Christ and the people in the Diocese of Worcester through work in the parish such as, but not limited to: celebrating Mass, visiting the sick and elderly, administering the sacraments, preaching, engaging and leading their communities of all ages, as well as many other duties and responsibilities.
Michael P. Gillespie, director of the Office of Stewardship and Development, stated that the event is “a wonderful way to raise awareness of the retirement needs of our priests who have a lifetime of service to God’s people here in the Diocese of Worcester.”
In a letter to priests inviting them to the event and encouraging participation from parishes, Bishop McManus stated, “Our gala is a wonderful opportunity for the faithful to offer their thanks for all the priests, living and deceased, for the many sacrifices that they have given and the joyful witness they still give. The priests of our diocese have been and continue to be integral to the life of all Catholics.”
Mr. Gillespie said that Celebrate Priesthood! is an opportunity for a community of faith to get together “in a spirit of gratitude for the beautiful gift of the priesthood.” In addition, Mr. Gillespie said, “Our casual format also encourages friendly encounters and conversation throughout the evening. Not to mention it gives our priests a wonderful opportunity to see parishioners that they haven’t seen in many years, perhaps from an earlier assignment.”
According to the development office, cumulatively, priests “have committed more than 2,000 years of service as a group to our spiritual wellbeing.” There is an average of 50 retired priests in the diocese each year with expenses totaling more than $500,000. Last year’s Celebrate Priesthood! raised $165,000. This year, as of Sept. 21, more than 400 gifts have been received totaling more than $80,000.
To participate in the event and support diocesan priests, an advertisement may be purchased to be placed in the 2022 Celebrate Priesthood! commemorative booklet; an individual donation can be made by mail addressed to Priest Retirement, 49 Elm St., Worcester, MA 01609, by phone at (508) 929-4368, or online at worcesterdiocese.org/celebrate-priesthood; a donor will receive a ticket to the event for a gift of $100, which includes food and refreshments. All priests are honored guests.