By Raymond L. Delise | Director, Office of Communications
The Diocese of Worcester has released its annual report for the fiscal year ending Aug. 31, 2022. The audited financial report is posted online and an annual report highlighting major activities and departments is published as a supplement in today’s Catholic Free Press. The diocese ran an operational deficit of $1,257,626 prior to allowing for investments, bequests and the sales of diocesan properties, including St. Peter-Marian Central Catholic Junior/Senior High School. The year ended with a deficit of $2,328,649, including realized and unrealized losses on investments, according to the financial report. In his management letter, Bishop McManus recognized progress in those areas which have been the focus of past concern. “Our Priests’ Retirement Program is moving forward with cost controls and increased sources of revenue resulting in less strain on our daily operations. St. John Cemetery System is operating more smoothly following the incorporation of Notre Dame Cemetery in Worcester into its system,” he said. The bishop also recognized the impact from the privatization of St. Bernard’s High School in Fitchburg and the merger of the diocesan high schools in Worcester. “We are now moving forward in the next chapter of strategic planning for St. Paul Diocesan Jr./Sr. High School with the assistance of the St. Paul School Board,” he stated. Dealing with outstanding debt continues to be a major challenge for the diocese, resulting in a $498,756 interest expense to the Diocesan Expansion Fund. “We are still grappling with identifying ways to reduce the more than $16 million debt incurred over two decades to fund unpaid bills owed to the diocese by struggling parishes and schools and past diocesan initiatives such as our previous capital campaign, Forward in Faith,” he stated. The bishop also recognized the continuing generosity of donors to all areas of the local Catholic Church. “The ongoing work of the Church is made possible because you support your parishes, schools, and various diocesan initiatives. The Legacy of Hope Capital Campaign has bolstered parish life with over $8 million in funds to date which will help strengthen our parishes. Partners in Charity raised close to its $5 million goal each year that the capital campaign was conducted and, thanks to careful operational costs, we did not incur additional deficits in Partners-supported programs. We are also benefitting from additional resources which have been infused in parish communications, parish and diocesan facilities management, human resources and parish and diocesan fiscal management.” As in recent annual reports, the diocese also listed amounts received for 12 national and international collections through the parishes and the diocesan online web portal. As Bishop McManus wrote, “The enclosed list of national collections and emergency relief efforts demonstrates that our diocesan family sees itself as part of a Universal Church that is ready to be the face of Christ to our brothers and sisters in need around the world.” The report features the mission and accomplishments of 15 diocesan agencies and ministries, including Catholic schools, Religious Education, Youth Ministry, various ethnic ministries, and Healing and Prevention. Bishop McManus noted, “One area of particular need which has called for us to be the face of Christ to others is responding to survivors of past sexual abuse, as well as good stewards of programs for minors who participate in our parishes, schools and other ministries. For more information on how we have been responding to this need, please refer to our diocesan report issued in January of this year.” The Development Office also included a recap of the Partners in Charity Appeal for FY2022, including a breakdown of how much was spent by the agencies and ministries encompassing charity, education and ministry. The appeal raised $4,739,605 from 12,257 gifts. Of the total number of gifts, the report highlights that 4,026 households were members of the eight leadership giving societies.
– The annual report and the audited financial report are posted online along with other diocesan financial reports at