Support World Mission Day
My dear friends in Christ,
In his message for World Mission Day 2020, Pope Francis wrote the following:
In this year marked by the suffering and challenges created by the Covid-19 pandemic, the missionary journey of the whole Church continues in light of the words found in the account of the calling of the prophet Isaiah: “Here am I, send me” (6:8). This is the ever-new response to the Lord’s question: “Whom shall I send?” This invitation from God’s merciful heart challenges both the Church and humanity as a whole in the current world crisis.
Our Holy Father reminds us clearly that each baptized Christian is called upon to make Christ present in the world in which they live. Pope Francis continued,
Mission is a free and conscious response to God’s call. Yet we discern this call only when we have a personal relationship of love with Jesus present in his Church. Let us ask ourselves: are we prepared to welcome the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives, to listen to the call to mission, whether in our life as married couples or as consecrated persons or those called to the ordained ministry, and in all the everyday events of life?
Your donations on the weekend of October 20 are critical. The Pontifical Mission Societies serve the Church’s universality as a global network of support for the Pope in his missionary commitment by prayer, the soul of mission, and charitable offerings from Christians throughout the world. These donations assist the Pope in the evangelization efforts of particular Churches (the Pontifical Society for the Propagation of the Faith), in the formation of local clergy (the Pontifical Society of Saint Peter the Apostle), and in raising missionary awareness in children (Pontifical Society of Missionary Childhood).
In a world where so much divides us, World Mission Sunday rejoices in our unity as missionaries by our baptism. It also provides an opportunity to support the life-giving presence of the Church among the poor and marginalized in more than 1,111 mission dioceses. Thank you for prayerfully reflecting on your own baptismal call, and support World Mission Sunday in your parish.
With every prayerful best wish, I remain
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Robert J. McManus
Bishop of Worcester