In-pew collections for the annual Partners in Charity Appeal are being taken up in many parishes throughout the diocese, according to Michael P. Gillespie, diocesan director of Stewardship and Development. A few parishes did in-pew collections last weekend. Others will begin in coming weeks, he said. The drive will end Aug. 31 the end of the 2014-15 fiscal year. Goal for the fund drive, which helps support 28 diocesan charitable, educational and ministerial organizations, again is $5 million. Last year’s drive received $4,823,028 in gifts and pledges. But money from a $1.6 million bequest from the estate of Claire R. Berthiaume was used to bring the total to the $5 million goal, he said. The remainder of the bequest will be used in future drives. Mr. Gillespie said the in -pew solicitation is the most effective way to provide parishioners with an opportunity to make their Partners in Charity gift. “Once a year,” he said, “we commit ourselves to this ongoing work by supporting this life-giving appeal. We reflect on God’s great generosity, and respond with generous giving of our own. “With your support, faith in action is visible every day in the compassionate outreach of Catholic Charities, to the least among us; in the prayerful witness of our retired priests and the joy of new priestly vocations; to the many diocesan ministries and programs that heal, teach and care for others,” he said. The annual Partners in Charity Appeal helps to support charitable, educational and ministerial organizations in the diocese. They include: Charity Catholic Charities, Clergy Retirement, Retired Priests Health Ministry, Haitian Apostolate, McAuley Nazareth Home for Boys, Pernet Family Health Services, Seminarian Health Insurance, St. John’s Cemetery System, Diocesan Development, Stewardship Education Catholic Campus Ministry, Catholic Schools Office, Office of Religious Education, Ongoing Priestly Formation, Youth & Young Adult Ministry, Seminarian Education, Grants-in-Aid for Catholic School Students, Central Catholic Schools Subsidy, Advanced Studies for Clergy and Laity, Communications Office Ministry African Ministry, Hispanic Ministry, Office of Marriage and Family, Minister to Priests, Office of the Diaconate, Respect Life Office, Cathedral of St. Paul, Vocations, Office for Divine Worship, Wells Street House.