Manliness and being eucharistic men, and abortion and future saints, are among topics for the 22nd annual Worcester Diocesan Catholic Men’s Conference. It is being held March 25 in the Plourde Center at Assumption University, 500 Salisbury St., beginning at 8 a.m.
The conference is to include a 4 p.m. Mass, with Bishop McManus as principal celebrant and homilist, and, for the first time, an adoration chapel. The Rosary is to be prayed, and priests are to be available during the lunch break to hear confessions. Since so many participants go to confession, conference committee members hope that more priests than ever will come.
Father José A. Rodriguez, chairman of conference, which is the nation’s oldest event of its type, announced the following speakers, who are all to be present in person this year, and their topics.
“The 12 Rules of Manliness” is the topic of Bear Woznick, a professional surfer and a Benedictine Oblate at the Mary Spouse of the Holy Spirit Monastery in Hawaii. He is frequently heard on EWTN Radio and is host of the motorcycle based reality TV show “Long Ride Home with Bear Woznick.” He will focus on our need to have Jesus by our side at all times.
Jeff Joaquin, from “That Man is You!” Ministry, will talk about “The Journey Away from God and the Journey B
ack.” As owner of JMJ Site Development Inc., a philanthropic construction company supporting ministries across the world, he speaks about the experience of men who participated in promoting an abortion. He will address the burden of guilt and grief that these men experience, and develop a path to healing and forgiveness.
This year’s talk prior to confessions, called “Readiness for Reconciliation,” is being given by a Worcester Diocesan priest who has served at the Vatican and spoken around the United States – Msgr. James P. Moroney. He is pastor of St. Cecilia Parish in Leominster and director of the Office for Divine Worship.
“I believe with all my heart that Catholics need the Sacrament of Reconciliation to rediscover the deep truth that we are all in need of God’s tender mercy and forgiveness,” Msgr. Moroney said.
“Friendship, Family and Future Saints” is the theme of co-speakers Adam Minihan and David Niles. Mr. Minihan is director of communications for the Diocese of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Mr. Niles is president of St. Michael Catholic Radio, which the two men established in 2014. Together, they co-host “The Catholic Man Show,” broadcast widely on radio.
Father Chris Alar, of the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception at the National Shrine of the Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, is speaking about “Being Eucharistic Men.” Prior to becoming a priest, Father Alar was an industrial engineer. He wrote and produced the “Divine Mercy 101” and “Explaining the Faith” DVD series and is a best-selling author. He is also the host of the EWTN show “Living Divine Mercy.”
Singer and composer, Ryan Tremblay, and his wife, Elizabeth, who have been presenters at all the men’s conferences in recent years, are to lead the music at this year’s conference.
“In addition to reaching out to men of all ages, a special effort is being made to invite teens and young adults, and there is a concerted effort in our Catholic high schools to attract students to the conference,” said Father Rodriguez. “We want to continue to strengthen the conference by welcoming young men who are so important for the Church’s future.”
TICKET INFORMATION Tickets, which include lunch, are $30 for students prior to the conference and at the door. Tickets for adults are $50 through March 13, and increase to $65 on March 14. Tickets can be purchased online on the conference website at; by sending a check to Catholic Men’s Conference, c/o Holy Family Parish, 750 Union Street, Leominster, MA 01453; by contacting your parish representatives; or by calling Corinn Dahm at 508-835-8551.