By Therese and John Boucher
Special to The Catholic Free Press
Every Pentecost we recommit ourselves to our baptismal vows, to a life of holiness, to love like Jesus, and to the evangelizing mission of the Church, which is to “Go therefore and make disciples … in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” (Matt. 28:19) We need the Spirit’s power and wisdom to embrace all three of these goals, but especially the last one, because 85% of Catholics in our area are not regular churchgoers.
But who is this Holy Spirit who was so evident at the first Pentecost? Who is this Holy Spirit that we invoke with the sign of the cross? How can the person of Spirit have a place in our everyday life?
Individual Prayer and Activity (10-15 min)
Names or titles for the Holy Spirit in Scripture, Tradition, and Church teaching are listed below:
• Some can be used as prayers, in and of themselves. Repeat just one or two titles over and over again at quiet moments throughout the day, in sync with slowly breathing in and out.
• Slowly pray the sign of the cross; then use some titles for the Spirit (below) to pray: “Come _______ fill my heart. Come _____ fill my life. Come ________ bless my family. Come ______ transform me.”
• Circle the 3 titles that you would find most meaningful as you pray, or even share about the Holy Spirit in your life. If a favorite title is not listed, add in an empty box.
• Imagine yourself at the first Pentecost, the birthday of the Church, when the Holy Spirit came down on the disciples of Jesus (cf. Acts 2). You might want to pray with hands outstretched or raised, inviting the Spirit to fill them. Call out to the Spirit. How does the Spirit touch, melt, mold, or fill you as you pray?
Willing Spirit
Water of Life
Gift of God
Breath of God
The Presence
River of God
Hand of God
Power of the Most High
Consuming Fire
Soul of the Church
Glory of God
Breath of Heaven
Third Person of the Trinity
Finger of God
Living Flame of Love
Cloud of Unknowing
Spirit of Jesus
Divine Seal
Giver of Gifts
Holy Ghost
Anointing of the Lord
Giver of Life
Dew of God
Spirit of Truth
For Personal Reflection (10-15 mins.)
• What is it like for you to address the Holy Spirit, especially as a person who loves you? Which two or three titles strike you as the most meaningful or most helpful? Why did you choose these?
• Which of these titles are the most foreign to the way you envision the Holy Spirit? Why? If none of them strike a chord, when did you first feel this way?
• How do your favorite titles of the Spirit color what it means for you to be Catholic?
Take an Evangelizing Challenge
• Conduct an informal survey of three or four Catholics from your everyday life. Ask them what it is like for them to visualize the person of the Holy Spirit. Which names, images, or titles for the Holy Spirit from the list are meaningful? Do they have questions about certain titles? (Ask leaders at your local parish for the answers to any questions that arise.)
• Consider praying a scriptural novena (nine days of prayer) to the Holy Spirit for your parish, your special intentions, or for others.
• Pray the “Christian Renewal Prayer” below each day to renew your baptismal promises and to ask Jesus Christ for a deeper life, lived in the Holy Spirit:
Jesus, I know that I am yours and you are mine forever.
Thank you for sending your Spirit to me
That I might have the power to live this new life with you.
Stir up your Spirit in me. Release your Spirit in me.
Baptize me with the fullness of your Spirit
That I may experience your presence and power in my life,
That I may find new meaning in your Scriptures,
That I may find new meaning in the sacraments,
That I may find delight and comfort in prayer,
That I may be able to love as you love and forgive as you forgive,
That I may discover and use the gifts you give me for the life of the Church,
That I may experience the peace and the joy that you have promised us.
Fill me with your Spirit, Jesus. I wish to receive all that you have to give me.
(“Christian Renewal Prayer” from Therese Boucher, A Prayer Journal for Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Locust Grove, VA: National Service Committee, p. 7. Copyright 2002, Used with permission.)