Bishop McManus has invited the priests of the Diocese of Worcester to join him at St. Paul Cathedral Friday at the Mass for Life at which time he will join Pope Francis and the universal Church in an Act of Consecration of the nations of Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The Mass begins at 10 a.m. and is being livestreamed. The Mother Teresa Pro-Life Award, the Ruth Pakaluk Pro-Life Youth Award, and the Gospel of Life Award, given annually to individuals who have shown heroic witness to the intrinsic value of each human life, will be presented.
The bishop has shared the prayer of consecration (see so that priests may include it at a daily Mass on Friday. The prayer can be used at the conclusion of Mass, or in place of the Prayers of the Faithful.
He also invited them to tell their parishioners about the Act of Consecration using their parish Flocknote or other email systems in order to invite them to pray with the Holy Father and the local Church. That message noted: “The Diocese of Worcester is joining with Pope Francis and the universal Church in an Act of Consecration of the nations of Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on this Friday, the feast of the Annunciation, knowing that she is the Queen of Peace, and that that the Lord will hear the maternal prayers of the Blessed Mother. As Saint John and the Blessed Mother stood at the foot of the Cross of Jesus, he looked down at the beloved disciples, as he looks down at us and says, ‘Here is your mother.’ We invite you to join your prayers with those of Pope Francis, Bishop McManus and the priests of our diocese by keeping this special intention in your devotional prayers on Friday. Take a few moments to pray the rosary or any other prayer to our Blessed Mother for her intercession that a peaceful resolution may be found to end this horrendous war.”