Gifts and pledges to the annual Partners in Charity Appeal have reached $4,008,237, with $991,763 to be raised in order to reach the $5 million goal, according to Michael P. Gillespie, diocesan director of Stewardship and Development. Twenty-three of the 103 diocesan parishes have reached or exceeded their goals, he said. They are: Christ the King, Our Lady of Lourdes and St. John, all of Worcester; St. Mary of the Hills, Boylston; St. Joseph, Charlton; St. John, Guardian of Our Lady, Clinton; St. Denis, Douglas, St. Anthony of Padua, Dudley; Holy Family of Nazareth, Leominster and Holy Trinity Evangelization Center, both of Leominster, and St. Boniface, Lunenburg. Also, St. Augustine, Millville; St. Rose of Lima, Northborough; St. Columba, Paxton; Prince of Peace, Princeton; St. Matthew, Southborough; St. Richard of Chichester, Sterling; St. Mark, Sutton; St. Gabriel the Archangel, Upton: St. Paul/St. Stanislaus, Warren; Sacred Heart of Jesus and St. Louis, both of Webster, and Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, West Brookfield. So far, 131 diocesan priests have given a total of $190,775, an average of $1,456 per priest. There have been 14,844 donors so far, of whom 903 are new donors who have accounted for $117,044 of the total. About 5,000 donors who gave to the Appeal last year have not yet done so this year. Ninety-eight members of the St. Paul Society, including 20 new members, have given a total of $625,400. St. Paul Society members pledge at least $5,000. On-line gifts from 353 donors have totaled $149,155, Mr. Gillespie said. The annual Partners in Charity Appeal helps to support charitable, educational and ministerial organizations in the diocese. They include: Charity Catholic Charities, Clergy Retirement, Retired Priests Health Ministry, Haitian Apostolate, McAuley Nazareth Home for Boys, Pernet Family Health Services, Seminarian Health Insurance, St. John’s Cemetery System, Diocesan Development, Stewardship Education Catholic Campus Ministry, Catholic Schools Office, Office of Religious Education, Ongoing Priestly Formation, Youth & Young Adult Ministry, Seminarian Education, Grants-in-Aid for Catholic School Students, Central Catholic Schools Subsidy, Advanced Studies for Clergy and Laity, Communications Office Ministry African Ministry, Hispanic Ministry, Office of Marriage and Family, Minister to Priests, Office of the Diaconate, Respect Life Office, Cathedral of St. Paul, Vocations, Office for Divine Worship, Wells Street House.